It Was Good for the Soul
Happy Labor Day, Kids!
The excitement of a group of kids grabbed my attention, so I paused before exiting the gift shop. They rushed to the counter, and, leaning over, they scanned each monitor hanging on the wall looking for that snapshot, an image taken in the blink of an eye, of them riding Outlaw Run. I waited patiently with them until they finally spotted themselves on one of the monitors, and they burst out in a roar of laughter.
It was as if God was giving me an opportunity to go back in time to the year 2003, Caleb, Corban, & Carly, back when you three were those very same excited kids. I’ll never forget how you all somehow managed to strike a unique “pose” on each roller coaster ride. Yes, I remember those good times.
Silver Dollar City is a special place. I feel “close to home” when I am here, closer to a simpler, more secure, time in my life. And, that is the case today; I am here enjoying the final day of the 2020 Southern Gospel Picnic. I have enjoyed 12 straight days of encouraging southern gospel music, which is good food for the soul, and that might explain the festival’s name.
When Monty asked me about the trip, I responded, “It was a visit that was good for the soul.” It was also a very emotional experience. I believe I was emotionally vulnerable because of my mandated absence from the worship assembly, and because of the five-year anniversaries of the most challenging tests of my faith. So, yes, it was a visit that was good for the soul, very good!
Here is a song from each show at the park’s amphitheatre, Echo Hollow. It was exciting to hear some bluegrass, Irish, & patriotic music too!
Southern Gospel Picnic
The Echo Hollow Shows
Bluegrass Bonus
Irish Bonus
Patriotic Bonuses